A reminder of Icarus and of self-worth

Tony Ganzer
5 min readMay 5, 2021
Photo: Lucht Vier elementen (serietitel), marked by the Rijksmuseum under CC0 1.0.

For nearly 14 years I’ve carried with me an aging reminder that there is value in striving for growth; growth in relationships, the workplace, my faith…and growth in myself.

Before your imagination runs wild I’ll tell you the item is just a bag, and not a particularly impressive one by the modern standards of bags. It’s rectangular and woven from a synthetic blend, with just three pockets with zippers (two outside, and the main one.)

I’ve carried in it my audio recording gear, books, snacks, and more, from Barack Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize ceremony, to a Ricola herb farm in the Alps, to many coffee shops (just regular coffee shops.)

When I received this bag from a week-long radio reporting seminar from The Poynter Institute, I didn’t realize the symbol it would become, and how much I’d appreciate it.

Investing in yourself

I’ve long held a desire to test myself and chart a path beyond anyone’s expectations, chiefly my own. Since the age of about seventeen an internal clarion call has warned me that time is running short.

I have to learn more.

Do more.

Live more.

In some young people this lust for ‘more’ can provoke recklessness, but in me it provoked my best…



Tony Ganzer

Author: Kneading Journalism. I've been an award-winning journalist, podcaster, and storyteller for nearly 20 years in the U.S., Germany, and Switzerland.